Our courses cover a range of topics designed to prepare both individuals and organisations to address issues related to HIV and chronic illnesses, gender-based violence, child protection, and trauma.
From paper-based to digital job aids, our resources empower healthcare workers to confidently provide accurate, age-appropriate information in an engaging, fun and non-threatening way.
With ongoing coaching, mentorship, and supervision, healthcare workers are able to offer an integrated package of care.

Be inspired by the ways that KidzAlive is currently shaping children, their families and the healthcare workers that implement our programmes, with our incredible partners and innovations.
The KidzAlive@Home project, funded by Aidsfonds, aims to improve the finding of children and adolescents living with HIV and to link them to sustainable HIV treatment and care. Read more.
In collaboration with mothers2mothers (m2m), Zoë-Life is providing technical assistance, using the KidzAlive model, to the CHAMP programme in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Read more.
Since 2017, the KidzAlive Mobilised project has been innovating and developing child-centred HIV digital interventions with close collaboration, guidance and generous investment by Qualcomm Wireless Reach. Read more.
5 414
Healthcare workers trained
565 975
People reached
Child-friendly spaces created
Training and Resources
The KidzAlive suite of services combines theoretical and practical courses along with child-friendly resources to deal with some of the key issues relating to child health and policy, safety, gender-based violence and trauma. Our courses are offered online and in person, and provide you with post training support where needed.

By making a donation, we can ensure that vulnerable children are accessing quality, child-friendly health services and support at their clinics and at home.
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Mobile technology that drives child health
By leveraging mobile technology and creative storytelling along with purposeful innovation, we are strengthening our ability to close the gap in accessibility to quality digital resources that enables healthcare workers to confidently and efficiently provide HIV testing services to children, empower primary caregivers with information and tools to support their children at home, and ultimately transform children and adolescents living with HIV from being bystanders to active players, in their health management.