Child-Friendly Job Aids & Resources
Along with equipped and confident healthcare workers, children should have access to innovative, child-friendly resources that enhance the health services they receive, and empowers them with age-appropriate information.

KidzAlive Child-Friendly Spaces
A KidzAlive Child-Friendly Space is a dedicated safe place where children engage with a child-friendly healthcare worker, learn about HIV and other chronic illnesses, express themselves, build self-esteem, socialise and play.
KidzAlive Talk Tool (Paper-Based)
The KidzAlive Talk Tool is a paper-based job aid healthcare workers can use when providing child-friendly HIV testing services, counselling, disclosure and adherence support with children (2-14 years) and their primary caregivers.
KidzAlive Talk Tool App
Adapted from the paper-based job aid, the KidzAlive Talk Tool App places children at the centre of the clinic appointment and empowers healthcare workers to confidently provide accurate child-friendly and age-appropriate information to a child and their caregiver, during a session.
KidzAlive Adherence Template
The KidzAlive Adherence Template works hand-in-hand with both the paper-based and digital KidzAlive Talk Tool, and KidzAdherence Activity Manual.
KidzAdherence ‘I am Strong’ Colouring-in Book
The take-home KidzAdherence ‘I am Strong’ colouring-in book includes Covid-19 education and messaging for children who are at risk, as well as templates for each activity that takes place in a KidzAdherence Club session.
YouThrive Body Safety
You can teach your child how to be safe and what to do if they are being abused.
Find out more about our courses and how you can integrate the KidzAlive resources into your work.