Virtual Training Terms of Service

Draft: May 1, 2022

These Terms of Service outline the Zoë-Life virtual training terms between the participant/customer (person soliciting services) and Zoë-Life Innovative Solutions (ZL) and fall within the South African laws. In accordance with the POPI Act your information is stored on a secure remote server and will not be sold to any third parties as per the Zoë-Life Privacy Policy. Your privacy is important to us. By booking your training with ZL you are agreeing to these terms of service and give consent for your information to be stored and used by ZL for training data collection purposes, whilst maintaining your privacy.

Virtual training refers to training taking place on a virtual platform (such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom).

1. Booking and Payment

1.1 Booking/Payment

In order to book a seat on a ZL course, a google registration form will need to be completed by the customer, provided by ZL. After which an invoice will be emailed to the customer.

Once the customer has received an emailed invoice, an EFT payment can be made to the ZL account specified, citing the invoice number or your full name as a reference. Proof of Payment should be emailed to

Payment for courses booked closes 14 days before the course start date. If payment is not made, the booking shall be forfeited.

1.2 Cancellations/Refunds

This refers to any cancellations made by the customer after payment for courses has been made.

If the customer cancels their course on or less than 5 days[1] before the course start date, they will not qualify for a refund and will forfeit the paid amounts. The customer will also be liable for the return of all resources received, at the customer’s cost.

If the customer cancels the course 6[1] or more days before the course date, they will be eligible for a 50% refund on paid amounts, to be returned to the customer by ZL. The customer will also be liable for the return of all resources received, at the customer’s cost.

If for any unforeseeable circumstances where ZL is unable to provide the training, the training will be rescheduled for a date convenient to ZL schedule.

Where a minimum attendance limit is set on a course, payment will be opened when minimum participant bookings have been reached. If the minimum participant number was not reached the course will be postponed or cancelled by ZL.

1.3 Discounts

Discounts and vouchers do not accumulate.

Discounts are awarded at the discretion of ZL and are in no way guaranteed.

Promotions have limited seats and are booked on a first-paid-first-served principle.

2. Virtual Training

2.1 Requirements for Certification

To maintain ZL's high standards of training, certification will only be given to those who attend the full training and have shown that they are present during all sessions.

All pre- and post-course assessments will need to be completed by the participant in order to receive certification

If a participant did not attend the full training, they will not receive a certificate and will forfeit the training. The participant/customer will not be eligible for a refund and will forfeit any payments made.

ZL will review extenuating circumstances on an ad hoc basis.

Certificates are issued digitally after completion of the course. A printed copy my by requested and posted to the customer at an additional fee of R500.

2.2 Training Requirements

The ZL virtual training will take place on Microsoft Teams (MST) platform and a link will be sent before the training starts.

The customer must ensure they have a working device compatible with an updated version of MST installed or be able to connect via stream. The customer needs to also ensure they have sufficient mobile data/internet access to partake in the course.

Before the course starts the participant will be required to complete any pre-course assessments that will be sent by ZL. These must be completed before the first day of training. These pre-assessments are used to measure knowledge and confidence gained during the course.

After completion of the course, the participant will need to complete all post-course assessments in order to receive their certification.

ZL will in no way be liable for the technology and devices needed to complete the course or any other costs such as but not limited to mobile data.

ZL is not liable for any third party errors or costs.

2.3 Training Resources

Any training resources included in the courses will be sent to the customer after payment has been received. ZL is not liable for delays due to third party service providers.

ZL uses PAXI (PEP stores) and ARAMEX (Pick n Pay stores) delivery services, which are included in the course fee, the customer will choose an option on the Google intake form.

The customer needs to ensure that they are able to travel (at customer cost) to a PEP/Pick n Pay store to collect their resources.

These recourses are not for resale or re/distribution. See IP clause 3.2.

2.4 The KidzAlive Talk Tool App

If the training package includes the KidzAlive Talk Tool App, the subscription is included for 24 months from initiation on the app. A download link will be sent after the course is completed and the account is set up.

The Talk Tool App is currently only available for Android devices.

Internet access is needed to download/update the App at the customer’s expense. ZL will not be liable for any costs incurred due to download or error.

ZL does not provide any devices.

2.5 Training Rules

On training days, participants should be punctual to the times specified

Participants must be respectful and adhere to community standards, no obscene, abusive, harassing or offensive language or behaviour will be tolerated.

ZL reserves the right to remove anyone who contravenes these community standards from any training without a refund.

2.6 Confidentiality

During training sessions, personal information/stories may be shared within the group. All participants, as well as ZL, must maintain confidentiality and redact names or any other personal information in documentation or relay of conversation. The training sessions should be a safe place in which to be vulnerable and share.

2.7 Group Booking

Once a group booking has been received, a quote will be sent to the customer. The booking will only be confirmed once payment has been received in full.

Once the booking is confirmed and payment received, a self-registration link will be sent to the group booking contact person to distribute to their participants. This self-registration form will need to be completed by each participant, which includes the pre-assessments forms, 7 working days BEFORE the training begins.

The group booking contact person will be responsible for ensuring this link is sent to each of their participants.

If a central ‘pick-up-point’ or delivery address is chosen instead of the PAXI (PEP stores) and ARAMEX (Pick n Pay stores) option, the group booking contact person/organisation will be responsible for the distribution of the training materials to the participants before the training begins.

3. General

3.1 Third Parties

ZL is not responsible for any third-party services. The customer is solely responsible for reading the legal policies, rules, and terms and conditions of third-party sites and services.

3.2 Intellectual property

All training courses, materials and resources are the intellectual property of ZL and are not able to be distributed, resold, modified, trained or replicated in any way without prior written consent from the ZL Director. ZL reserves the right to seek appropriate legal counsel if a breach occurs.

3.3 Age Requirement

Some ZL courses have a minimum age requirement of 18 years as the material covered in courses is of a sensitive nature. If you are under the age of 18 you will not be permitted to attend. Contact us if you are concerned about age.

4. Contacting Us

If you have any questions about these Virtual Training Terms of Service, please contact us at:

[1] Consecutive days-not working days